Patchwork Farm Series Set 4



Farm Series Set 4 embroidery machine designs is a set of three blocks. There will be 6 mini sets to go with the Farm Set Part 1 (The Barn) for a total of 7 sets and 16 crazy quilt blocks and each set will have a simple bonus block for a total of 22 blocks. I realize this isn’t a perfect square or rectangle so you will get to pick your size and which blocks work best for your quilt . This set contains horses running just because they want to and a windmill block with a tractor baling hay. The pig block has rough edges around the pig and the fabric can be cut close to the line or left wider and frayed for a shabby look!

8×8 Windmill

10×10 Windmill

8×8 Horses

10×10 Horses

Pig Block

Horses Pig Windmill
Hoop Size Actual Size in MM Actual Size in Inches Stitches Stitches Stitches
4 x 4 hoop 100 x 100 4×4 11111 11728 10866
5 x 7 hoop 130 x 130 5×5 14752 12646 13568
6 x 8 hoop 150 x 150 5.9 x 5.9 16764 15801 15866
7 x 10 hoop 180 x 180 7×7 20596 17822 20667
8 x 12 hoop 200 x 200 7.83 x 7.83 23527 19154 23430
9.5 x 14 hoop 240 x 240 9.5 x 9.5 30092 24301 29309
10.7 x 16 hoop 272 x 272 10.6 x 10.6 35226 29272 33126